Saturday, March 12, 2011


   Man as a social animal did not just begin his life in an organized social order. He wanders around hunting and gathering what to eat. He then started to live in caves with his family. The shelter was necessitated by protection from danger and harsh weather. Settling later paves the way to domesticating wild animals and cultivating food crops. 
  Settling led to the formation of small societies in forms of villages and hamlets. The peculiar characteristics of these societies are their primitiveness, common language and customs. It is natural that some of these societies will grow stronger than others for one reason or another. It could be due to favorable climate, availability of fertile arable land or proximity to water. What ever the reason for their strength it is natural that they will be aggressive and possibly attack the weaker society.  The weaker society in their common interest to protect themselves against the stronger one form a union in a form of a confederation that can lead to the formation of nation states. This is a brief explanation of the birth of nation states.
  Nation states mostly for economic and military reasons expand continuously through conquest of weaker nations. Thus kingdoms are forms. In modern times kingdoms are mostly scrambled down but yet we see hegemonies.
  Man throughout his journey from a wandering animal to a member of an organized society kept asking himself these two fundamental questions: From where did he come from and what is the purpose of his existence? The answers to these questions were given by philosophers and religious scholars. While some people did not bother to ponder over these questions some tried hard to answer them. There seems to be no agreed answers to these question but answers that kept dividing us as members of the same species. I think it is high time we put our differences aside and work for the common good of man in this world. May be then we can make the world a better place to live. 
  Religion in man's life is almost as natural as language. Many religious artifacts were discovered that dated back to millions years ago. Temples were found in the remains of ancient kingdoms. Idols were curved by man from rocks and wood long time before any divine religion. Could it be possible that religion is part of the normal psychic of man? Is religion really necessary in man’s life? Does the existence and wellbeing of social structures in the society depend on the existence of religion? Can science and technology replace religion in man’s life? Can a Godless society thrive? These and many more question I intend answer in my subsequent posts.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Experience gained from my internship

 Dear readers, especially members of IEEE northeast, this is one of the few experiences or rather knowledge I gained during my internship and feel that it may interest you.
  First of all, I am doing my IT at FRCN federal radio corporation of Nigeria, located at Radio House, Abuja. I mostly spend my time in Network control rome located at the 12th floor of radio house. Apart from maintenance work, the corporation employs engineers in the network control room to transmit and receive signals(audio) to and from the five national station which are: Lagos national station, Ibadan national station, Enugu national, Kaduna national station and kapital staion Abuja. The control will ensure that  signals are received from and send to the various national stations especially when national program is aired from the national headquarter or OB transmission van(outside broadcasting) when on field transmission is carried out.
  The daily routine of the engineer on duty includes announcing the lineup of contribution by the various national station which is decided by the people from the news room. This means that the editor in the news room will decide which station will make the first report contribution in the course of national broadcast. The engineer on duty will wait for the line up to be brought and he/she will then contact the various stations to inform them of their line up position for the day; this may change the next day. The contact is made via telephone conversation.
  The engineer will then ensure that signal is received from these station and also ensure that these stations are receiving signal from the headquarter( at his/her end).
  How does the engineer on duty does that? The network control room contains equipment that assist this engineer do his or her work. These equipments includes transmitters and receivers mainly. To ensure signal is received from any where there are  three means at the disposal of the engineer. These are: (1)- V-sat (2)- TVR O and (3)- Audio streaming. In my next post I will try to explain how these three means are used and why are they used simultaneously even though one will suffice.  

Sunday, February 20, 2011


   This weekend was not bad though was not as good as the last one. Allamin has been with us in Abuja for the past few days. we really had a good time together. We are going to miss him. We escorted him to the park for his journey to Anambra early in the morning. I had to sleep because I didn't sleep the previous night. I spent the night watching season two of THE MENTALIST AND KYLE XY. Both are very interesting. I really enjoyed watching them.



Thursday, February 17, 2011


   Determination has been one of the words used by many motivators to boost the moral of many who have lost or seems to have lost their hope. The most determined individual can be discouraged by failures after several attempts. only the few can work to the end of the road. The most enigmatic thing about these few individuals is their source of energy. What is it that keeps them moving? What is it that kept giving them hope after despair?
   This great and envious quality is one of the qualities that made great historical figures unforgettable. It has made them to print an indelible marks in the pages of history. Most of these great men share some few qualities which we can consider to be universal. All of them have a clear set objective. This objective will remain their primary goals throughout their endeavors, though the methods and the ways may be changed from time to time. They all believe in their ability to achieve this objective. Above all, they believe in their purpose; they believe that their purpose is of the greatest importance in the world.



Monday, February 14, 2011

Sunday, February 13, 2011


   Sometimes it is really puzzling to feel happy and peaceful without knowing why. I made some guesses as to why i am happy. I guess because I was able to read what I have planned to that morning and understood what I read.
  The question of happiness is one of the most unanswered question in the world. Many have committed suicide just because they were not happy. Some committed suicide because they cannot face their situations. Many expert in the field of psychology consider imbalance in mental health as one of the major cause of suicides.
  Whatever the cause, it is surprising to know that it has the highest occurring rate in the western world. It is much more prominent in the most technologically advanced countries like UK, France and USA. It has the least occurance in African countries and Asia. Could there be any relation between advancement and suicide?
   I personally think that there could be a very strong relationship between being emotionally balanced and being religious. Religion gives one hope when everyone is in despair. We all need to believe in the existence of some Omnipotent being worthy of our believe, obedience and  Who will be there for us whenever we need Him.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


    Since the passing into law, the constitutional right of state governors in Nigeria to control all the local government  funds in their state under the JOINT ACCOUNT and the power vested onto these governors to conduct the local government elections in their states at their own conveniences, a hard blow on the face of democracy has been slammed. These have given them undue power over the local government chairmans. No single local government chairman can stand against his/her governor even if the latter is wrong. These are the people who are in direct contact with the people at the grass root. This was done under the pretext of reducing corruption and misappropriation of funds.It has done nothing to reduce this so called corruption and misappropriation of funds.
    The right thing to be done is not usurping the powers of these local government chairmans; they should be checked and made more accountable for their actions(and even the state governors and the head of the state).The passage of this law has led to the abuse of power by the state governors and turning the chairmans into docile zombies with nothing to offer to the people who voted them into power.
    The recent decision by the Borno state governor to conduct local government chairmans election before the April election is an example of these power abuses. His action is undemocratic which he was famous for. It is high time for the people of Borno state to stand with one voice and say enough to this abuse of power.

FREEMINDS: Artficial security

FREEMINDS: Artficial security: " The security situation in Maiduguri the state capital of Borno, Nigeria, has defied solution for long. Many innocent live..."

Artficial security

   The security situation in Maiduguri the state capital of Borno, Nigeria,  has defied solution for long. Many innocent lives have been lost. All of a sudden the checkpoints have intensified with security personnel infringing on people's fundamental human right under the pretext of security threats. Who is supposed to be protected? the people or the culprits? Worst of all is the fact that the personnels were also among the targets of attacks.
   For months the situation continues until recently when the checkpoints has suddenly disappeared without a reason. God knows why but the people in Maiduguri deserves some explanations. They suffered the most.
   To fully analyse the situation, it is important to understand the fact that there are some people behind this act who are supposed to be brought before the law. The people are not after arrests without trials in the open. The common man has the right to know those charged with the crime in the court of law, irrespective of their status or connection. Those who stands to gain from the chaos should also be interrogated as possible suspect.