Saturday, February 12, 2011


    Since the passing into law, the constitutional right of state governors in Nigeria to control all the local government  funds in their state under the JOINT ACCOUNT and the power vested onto these governors to conduct the local government elections in their states at their own conveniences, a hard blow on the face of democracy has been slammed. These have given them undue power over the local government chairmans. No single local government chairman can stand against his/her governor even if the latter is wrong. These are the people who are in direct contact with the people at the grass root. This was done under the pretext of reducing corruption and misappropriation of funds.It has done nothing to reduce this so called corruption and misappropriation of funds.
    The right thing to be done is not usurping the powers of these local government chairmans; they should be checked and made more accountable for their actions(and even the state governors and the head of the state).The passage of this law has led to the abuse of power by the state governors and turning the chairmans into docile zombies with nothing to offer to the people who voted them into power.
    The recent decision by the Borno state governor to conduct local government chairmans election before the April election is an example of these power abuses. His action is undemocratic which he was famous for. It is high time for the people of Borno state to stand with one voice and say enough to this abuse of power.

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